Mindy Mae’s Market: We dare you to try to say that name ten times fast. You might be a master with tongue twisters, but that won’t impress us. The real question is how smart a shopper you are. This Friday and Saturday, serious hobbyists and amateur professionals are invited to take Mindy Mae’s Market by storm.
Set in a lovely model home in Pleasant View, you can rev your shopping engines with help from the likes of favorite Etsyans Audzipan, Palmegranate & Co., Academy J and Made by Matchgirl. (Think cute ‘n cool aprons, crocheted hats, headbands, hand-bound journals). You’ll also get your paws on fancy hats, homemade jewelry, appliqued onesies, and of course, much more. So start your warm-ups.
Mindy Mae’s MarketAugust 7, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; August 8, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.3377 N. 1375 West, Pleasant View