Monday, February 14, 2011

what happened.

just wanted to list what has happened in the last three days. are you ready for this?k, here we go.
made valentines for little boys from momma and daddy. not to be confused with the almost 40 valentines made this week combined for jax and naschie for school.
bought daddy's valentines, so excited for his surprises.
planned valentines weekend for the palmer boys.
went to fun hotel, WITH pool, friday nite, remembered movies and treats.
took everyone to yummy chinese food place + sushi for momma and daddy. the boys call it chinea food since it is from chinea, right? love it.
swam x2, set out valentines and knocked on the door.
got ready for naschie's birthday party (picts to come) on saturday afternoon, got 5 shirt done. bought his birthday gifts and his kobe bryant nikes just like daddy's.
went to naschie's party, everyone came. over the top fun. it wore my boy right out.
GOT a PACKAGE from ANTHRO in the mail. daddy said happy vday. ;)
watched utah state win.
made it to di at like 7:30. found a killer bedframe and some vintage scriptures.
made it to all 3 hrs of church and everyone went to their classes. yay.
waffles for lunchie, meatballs for dinner. grammys dvrd. watched it with daddy and ryder jude, fastforwarded all the boring stuff. isn't mick jaggar like 80? wow.
found a stencil for a patterned wall online, shopped drapery. I think I am going to redecorate the brown room. and paint kitchen, master and master bath. sometime.
date tonight with daddy. heart-shaped pepperonis on our pizza dinner tonight.
so now time to stock polite. sometime.

1 comment:

Loni said...

Judd keeps talking about Nasch's birthday. He starts with "If we lived not far...." WE LOVE YOU!!!! Happy Valentines Day!