Friday, April 15, 2011


and WHAT IS THIS GEM? amazing, right? my bffinCA MADE this for ME. based on the pictures of ry-ry when he was tiny. complete keepsake. I am never taking it down. that is after I get it in the mail. and she called me x2 today to let me know not to look at her shop or her facebook so I didn't see it before I got it. and too late. and yay for that. couldn't have waited. literally. sooo excited and pleased and flattered and excited. can't believe I have a friend like you, Lissa Rae of Sunshine.
RUN don't walk to her shop. and buy up her handmade gems. you'll be in love, too.

1 comment:

Alissa King said...

you weren't supposed to look!! haha, I'm glad you saw it, though! Now your mouth can water as it glides through the mail to your doorstep! :)